Tuesday 29 May 2012

Meadow Love!

Being a hippie in my youth, I can't help but conjure images of floaty skirts, spinning through golden meadows in dizzying colour, when we get weather like this, of course these days I just blame it on sun stroke!  Still, such idealism and beauty prompted the stopping off for this pic just outside Killyleagh, Northern Ireland. 

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Newtownards Global Rainbow

NEVER has the mediocre town of Newtownards, with it's mediocre entertainment, mediocre shops and mediocre pub locals ever been so inundated with thronging photographers and fun, oh-this-is-new, families.  The mediocre carpark up Scrabo Hill was overflowing and the very, very steep road up to the landmark, historical tower was burgeoning under the weight of cars and their nervous drivers with screaming, burning clutches!

Newtownards is at the peak of the Ards Peninsula in Co. Down Northern Ireland, a great commutor town to Belfast, overlooking the picturesque Strangford Lough and cresting above it is Scrabo Tower built in memorial to Lord Stewart, Marquis of Londonderry and his fair thinking.  It is an amazing building, offering grand vistas, the mainland clearly visible on a crisp day.

As part of the upcoming 2012 celebrations, taking in the London Olympics, the 100th Anniversary of the Titanic's fateful maiden voyae and other events and shows, for four nights approaching Saint Patrick's Day a Global Rainbow, designed by Yvette Mattern was projected over the town.

Hard to explain, easier to show:

All images can be ordered from: http://www.elwoodprints.com or email for further details at emma@esikcreations.com

Titanic Light Show Belfast 07/04/2012

Almost exactly one hundred years after the tragedy of the RMS Titanic, Belfast has evolved a great deal and now embraces the peoples of the world in remembrance, celebration of the ingenuity of the time and mourning for one of the globe’s most prolific and heartbreaking of disasters.

30,000 people, foreign and local, gathered along the newly refurbished River Lagan docks by the original Titanic slipway at Harland and Wolff.  The bustling city was thronged by excited families all clamouring for that elusive parking space and queuing for the shuttle buses departing for Chichester Street in anticipation of the hyped Digital Light Show which was to be projected onto the new, strange, angular and chrome, Titanic Building, a free event organised by Belfast City Council.

Thousands walked in high spirits across the pedestrian bridge flagged by the ‘big fish’ monument and the ‘Thanksgiving Beacon’ (fondly termed – the Lady of the Lagoon).  The sense of community and kinship was palpable in the twilight of the evening.

Bright yellow and blue wrist bands marked the lucky attendees who managed to score tickets as they gathered, dwarfed by the stature of the iconic build – all triangular ship’s bows in architecture, and surrounded by period clad stilt performers, fire dancers and the continental market. 

A hush passed over the awaiting masses as the tall lights were dimmed, a beautiful accompaniment of classical strings stroked the night and spotlights swept over the metallic surface of the edifice like roving lamps of wartime.  In the perfect spheres of light silhouettes portraying the history of Belfast’s docks began to weave a story, the towering cranes, Samson and Goliath, followed by the turrets and roundels of the City Hall and the broad, three pointed, wing span of wind towers which are being shipped out in present day.

The display turned industrial with cogs, iron rods and pistons until the large bow of a luxury, cruise ship arose in vivid imagery from the sight of its birth.  The chosen graphics were simple and raw but universally understood, the disparate age of steel, hard labour, sweat and toil enlivened again as pyrotechnics of red hissing steam complimented the intense images of blazing furnaces turning the very modern building into a monster of a bleaching machine.  An impressive firework display accompanied the music and colours and the crowds applauded as silence settled.

The following display was less well received, many leaving early to beat the crowds retreat as psychedelic ‘magic eye’ creations undulated to more popular beats and the production became more about fancy geometry, spirals, twists and whirls than an historic story arch.  Bigger and louder fireworks lit the heavens and the effect was somewhere between a brainwashing scene from a 60s television series and a self-congratulation of technical wizardry. 

Still the many onlookers were buoyant to be present at such an iconic occasion and behaved peacefully and with respect and awe as they shuffled on mass back over the lagan to the neon lights and high rises of Belfast’s recent revitalisation.

This was just one of many events and memorials to that ground breaking ship and when one combines this anniversary with the London Olympics, the resurgence of tourism and global notice that Belfast is receiving in the form of the MTV awards last year and the Police and Fire Games of next year, it is clear that the city is surging forward into brighter and better times ahead.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Colour me Tickled Pink!

Couldn't resist sharing this latest photograph that I happened upon while waiting for a bus on a gloomy Novemeber day!  I'm not sure if you can see clearly in this shot but the name place on the door reads: "Ards Development Bureau" and doesn't that just about some up the evil 'recession'!  Enjoy!
View more of my pics at http://www.elwoodprints.com/ or read my pain staking articles on photography tips and tricks at http://snaphappy.moonfruit.com/

Monday 31 October 2011

15 Top Tips for Low Light & Night Photography

Photography has been a passion of mine for many years now and is growing in popularity and access thanks to the development of compact digital cameras available everywhere from your local petrol station or supermarket to specialised photography wholesalers.

One area of discontent for many a budding enthusiast is low light shots and outdoor night photography.  All of us have experienced the frustration and vexation of being moved by the seduction beauty of darkness and trying to capture those moments on camera only to upload the images to our hard drives and find heavily pixellated or out of focus offerings that belong in our recycle bins.

Here’s a few hints and tips that I’ve learn through blood sweat and tears over the years.

1. Get an idea in your head of what you'd like to shot and where.
2. I love playing with light and shadow and especially celestial beings on water so if you want to capture a sunset or rising moon check which direction you need to shot in, you may have to change location and it's also handy to check out the visibility periods e.g. I'm in county down Northern Ireland, tonight the sun sets at 20.49 and the moon rises at 20.09.
3. Normal safety precautions, flashlight, mobile, a seat is always good especially for prolonged exposures and arduous set ups.
4. Use a tripod - if your shutter speed is less that 1/60 you're likely to encounter camera shake. Also if it's windy you'll need a pretty sturdy tripod again to prevent the wind either blowing over your camera or just catching it and shifting it in the gusts.
5. Remote shutter release is very handy if this is possible for your equipment as I find even holding down the button can cause the camera to move.
6. Try to get a tripod with a spirit level or bring one along as often you can't see clearly what you're shooting through the lens and can wind up with weird horizons and lines.
7. Don't use a flash as flash modes are only really effective if your subject is up to 6feet away and they confuse the other settings on your camera especially if you're shooting in automatic mode.
8. The higher the ISO (film speed) the more light reactive it is which allows you to cut down on exposure time or f-stops however I've noticed on my digital camera that low speed ISO's e.g. 1200 or 3200 can leave you with very grainy shots as the higher the speed the smaller the pixelation (I think - that's how it works on film anyway!)
9. Light and shade - light metering - remember if you focus your camera on the setting sun or moon the camera assumes this to be the average light of the whole picture therefore the darker areas that need more exposure will be very dark in your photo. You may have to mess around with settings to find a suitable balance depending of course on what you want to shot and what light contrast you desire.
10. Bracketing your photos is a good idea - find your optimal settings and then take a shot on either side, one slighter lighter and one darker as it's hard to tell what works until you see the finished product.
11. If you can it may be easier to set your lens to manual focus as a lot of cameras have trouble picking up what to focus on in the dark.
12. Use mirror lock if possible as even the internal mechanics of cameras can cause vibrations.
13. Take a lot of pictures and try different settings until you learn what works.
14. If your camera has a histogram function it can help to show you what's under or over exposed.
15. Enjoy and share!!!

More Free Articles at http://snaphappy.moonfruit.com/

Thursday 13 October 2011

Belfast Underground Graffiti

Another Photo walk in Belfast and this one is definitely getting blamed for the expensive bottle of Cough Mixture that I'm currently chugging down.  Seasons are certainly changing but that matters little underground where I took a little diversion down one of Belfast's pedestrain subways and snapped a few of the fab graffiti sketches down there.  I find the 'Emerald Isle' green car the most amusing! 

Again check out my other photos at http://www.elwoodprints.com/ and Photo Articles and Contests at http://snaphappy.moonfruit.com/

Monday 10 October 2011

Belfast By Night

For new shots from a rather chilly stroll along the Lagan.  The 'art' captured is a replica of the Titanic and stands next to the boardwalk, behind the Odyssey and at the start of 'The Titanic Quarter', other buildings can be seem such as the Obel Tower with it's picture frame windows, the lighted dome of the Victoria Centre and of course the P&O ferry!  I tried out my new 'star' filter that night but found it overwhelming when there is so many points of light.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy these...

As usual, these can be bought on my website http://www.elwoodprints.com and please help promote my photographic community project - http://snaphappy.moonfruit.com